I don't know our people perception towards a woman who cover her aurah completely.. They called this woman, "ustazah"..
Is this mode of fashion only for Ustazah or Islamic studies student????
This fashion is COMPULSORY for allll Islam woman okay.!!!
Actually i'm one of the woman who was teased by certain stupid Malaysian people...
Okay. I'm not come from a fully Islamic background. After i back from Egypt i change my style totally..
Before this i just cover my aurah by wearing hijab,long-sleeve tshirt and my clothes not very tight.. I look slightly different from people surroundings includes my family. I'm out of Malaysian people tradition. i always wearing hijab all time in the presence of non-mahram man.. At that time my aurah not totally covered. I don't cover my feet with socks or shoes. And my dressing doesn't show that i'm a 'muslimah'. Yess...i dressing like a guy,,tomboii. But still i cover my aurah.My scarf was short everywhere i go i like wearing S sized scarf..
After 1 year i travelled Egypt. I got tarbiah from my seniors there. Surrounding influenced me. Starting from that time i migrate step by step. I started to wear 'jubah' ,bigger sized scarf and cover my feet. I consistent till i go back to my hometown. My tomboy character still hard to be removed even with jubah and long scarf..erkkkk
People shocked with my changes!!!
But i never care what they are going to teased. I take it as a test from Allah to increase my imaan.
Okefine,,sincerely, sometimes i feel annoyed >:( i persuade myself and prayed for them May Allah open their mind.
I hope so our Malaysian people would change their mind towards woman with muslimah dressings and not judging them if they make mistake... One things that you must know,they are not an ANGEL doesn't make any mistake. They are like you BUT they try their best to be a better Mosleem..
I hope one day our people migrate to be the BETTER MUSLIM.
I hope so our Malaysian people would change their mind towards woman with muslimah dressings and not judging them if they make mistake... One things that you must know,they are not an ANGEL doesn't make any mistake. They are like you BUT they try their best to be a better Mosleem..
I hope one day our people migrate to be the BETTER MUSLIM.
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